2020 - Creswell
RC Flyers
August 22 - Meeting, Show and Tell, and planes ready to fly. August 1 - John
Risbrough photos from the 1st CUB's & Cousins event in Wenatchee Wa. July 31 - John
Risbrough photos from the 1st CUB's & Cousins event in Wenatchee Wa. July 25 - Meeting and Flying
June 27 - Meeting and Flying - Glenn Brummel and Jim Corbett photos
June 14 - Wild
Bills - Glenn Brummel photo May 30 - Meeting at the field
Field watering show
and tell
May 9 - John
Risbrough photos April 16 - DA 55cc Gas, my winter project from short kit new covering from balsa USA - Bill S photos February 29th - Work Party - John Risbrough photos Good evening
all. We had a very productive work party today. Our mission was to
clean up and organize our mower storage shed, and we did just that.
Mike got the field opened up this morning to get things started. I was
second to arrive, so Mike and I started moving stuff out the shed to
make room for the upgrade. Rod rolled in after me and spent some time
installing a handicap parking sign for SAM. Thanks so much, I am sure
he will appreciate it. After a bit of Prep Bill Schneider brought some
great breakfast burritos and hash browns which Rod heated up and did
the serving. Good eats! Bill Spencer donated several sheets of pegboard
to hang all our tools as well as some plywood to make shelves in our
existing cabinet. Spence and Rod also donated a bunch of metal pegboard
tool organizers which worked out great. Mike, Spence and Glenn went to
town on the tool hanging which looks awesome. I think just about
everybody brought something to contribute. It was a great effort by
these guys, and the mover shed looks great. Thank them when you see
them. Mike @ Rod will put the finishing touches on our tool selection.
Check out our website for a couple of pics that I took. Thanks to all
the guys that attended. We are off to a great start this year, with
only a few maintenance items left on our list to do when things dry up
a bit. A great season is ahead of us. See you all soon.
February 25 - Meeting and Show and tell