Photos - Fun Fly 2011 - August 21 - Creswell RC Flyers
Link to The Creswell Chronicle online Report The Creswell Chronicle printed Report Report - Our first event went very well. 40 attended Our thanks to the volenteers: Scott Joiner a teacher at Willamette Leadership Academy and some of the academy students. Stephanie Risbrough, and Micky Schultz, along with Vickie Schneider helped with setting up the tables, making signs, selling tickets, and serving food. Stephanie did an excellent job of bar-be-quing the hamburgers and hot dogs, while Mickie & Vickie served the food. One of the visitor's from Oakridge, Diane Powell, also pitched in & helped serve food also. Her son Donnie was one of the pilots and he won a plane. Don Schultz acted as a relief server so the ladies could take a break and have lunch. Joe Owen's wife Dottie made cookies & brownies. Khoi brought donuts that morning before lunch was served. Also our thanks to the Paint Ball Palace for their assistance in this event.
Paint Ball Shootout
And there was FOOD
A REAL aircraft fly by
All done