Meeting Minutes August 27, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President John Risbrough.

Reading of last month’s meeting minutes:
Minutes for the July meeting were read and approved as presented.

Treasury Report:
Treasury report as read by Rod Madison including Beginning and Ending Balance. Monthly Toilet Service went up $5.00, and Utilities are averaging $50.00 a month. Report approved.

Old Business:
We had a discussion regarding last month’s minutes.

Question? Should we have a Labor Day Event? It was brought up that ERCA will have a Labor Day Fun Fly event. It was decided that we should not have one but we should go to their event and support their club as they have supported ours.

New Business:
We discussed flying this next weekend weather permitting.

Field Maintenance:
Bill Schneider brought up the need to repair the Lawn Tractor Shed roof. After much discussion, it was decided that Bill would buy roof patching materials, and we will have a work party to repair the roof on Saturday, 8-27. Safety Reminder:
The owner of Walker Field (Jack) was visiting/working at the field when he observed an R/C plane flying low northbound near the main Walker windsock. He confronted the pilot. THIS IS A VIOLATION OF OUR CLUB RULES and against our agreement with Jack. This could have broken our contract and therefore, lost our flying privileges at the field.
President John requested that the pilot come forward.


This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Courtesy Reminder:
It was brought to the attention of the members that the ‘man’ gate has not been opened when the vehicle/main gate is open. There was much discussion of why it should or should not be required to open the ‘man’ gate when opening the main/vehicle gate. Many of the members have trailers for R/C equipment, if the ‘man’ gate is left closed, it prohibits them from negotiating the main entrance easily. It was decided that if you open the main gate, you should always tie back the ‘man’ gate. John and Rod will buy the hardware, modify the ‘man’ gate, to restraint it so it will remain open.

Meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m.

Respectfully, Bill Spencer in for Tim Herrmann